In this book more than 110 sports-related injuries and illnesses in the exercise.
In so doing, indeed the athletes to help needed a fast response, but the speed in responding to the need to know the correct stages, so that the aid measures taken do not result in the problem.
This book describes the emergency action steps with the help of a good, physical players assess the condition, when the bleeding occurs what is done, unstable injury incident, to make sure the athletes can go back to exercising.
Technique of CPR from the American Heart Association's latest in use in this book. So you don't have to worry about the book published by Human Kinetics.
Table Content
Part I Introduction to Sport First Aid
Chapter 1 Your Role on the Athletic Health Care Team
Chapter 2 Sport First Aid Game Plan
Part II Basic Sport First Aid Skills
Chapter 3 Anatomy and Sport Injury Terminology
Chapter 4 Emergency Action Steps and Providing Life Support
Chapter 5 Physical Assessment and First Aid Techniques
Chapter 6 Moving Injured or Sick Athletes
Part III Sport First Aid for Specific Injuries
Chapter 7 Respiratory Emergencies and Illnesses
Chapter 8 Head, Spine, and Nerve Injuries
Chapter 9 Internal Organ Injuries
Chapter 10 Sudden Illnesses
Chapter 11 Weather-Related Problems
Chapter 12 Upper Body Musculoskeletal Injuries
Chapter 13 Lower Body Musculoskeletal Injuries
Chapter 14 Facial and Scalp Injuries
Chapter 15 Skin Problems
Appendix A First Aid Protocols
Appendix B ASEP Coaches Education Programs
About the Author
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