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Saturday, April 26, 2014

I Never Had It Made, Jackie Robinson PDF Download

This I Never Had It Made: An Autobiography of Jackie Robinson eBook becomes interesting to read and as a reference in the world of sports booster. Written by Jackie Robinson, Alfred Duckett containing as many as 320 pages and published by HarperCollins.

I Never Had It Made: An Autobiography of Jackie Robinson
The book contains information about the journey of a famous athlete. And this book has been around since 2003 in bookstores and has already received 111 comments from readers, according to the source of the Amazon, while according to BN there are 31 readers who already give comments.

A lot of inspiration and motivation that can be after reading this book. Learning from the experience of others is an effective learning process. All the good things we can sample and things that are not good should not in the example.

I quote a few sentences from BN, as follows:

I Never Had It Made recalls Robinson's early years and influences: his time at UCLA, where he became the school's first four-letter athlete; his army stint during World War II, when he challenged Jim Crow laws and narrowly escaped court martial; his years of frustration, on and off the field, with the Negro Leagues; and finally that fateful day when Branch Rickey of the Brooklyn Dodgers proposed what became known as the "Noble Experiment"—Robinson would step up to bat to integrate and revolutionize baseball.

Some say that the content of this book is not about baseball, but about the life story of a Robinson filled with struggles of life.

Table of Content

Introduction ix

Introduction xv

Preface: Today xxi

The Noble Experiment
I A Dream Deferred 3
II The Noble Experiment 26
III Breaking the Color Barrier 37
IV The Major Leagues 53
V "Just Another Guy" 71
VI My Own Man 78
VII The Price of Popularity 87
VIII The Growing Family 104
IX The Ninth Inning 116

After the Ball Game
X New Horizons 125
XI Campaigning for Nixon 135
XII The Hall of Fame Award 141
XIII Conflict at the Apollo 145
XIV Crises at Home 151
XV On Being Black Among the Republicans 162
XVI Differences with Malcolm X 176
XVII The Freedom Bank 183
XVIII Hope and Disillusionment in White Politics 198
XIX The Influence of Martin Luther King, Jr. 210
XX Jackie's Prison 217
XXI Politics Today 236
XXII "... And He Was Free" 244
XXIII Aftermath 259
XXIV Epilogue 268

Where to buy this I Never Had It Made book

Many places that can make the shopping a book and an easy payment with the media. Shopping online is a choice many people at this time. And for a online bookstore in believes is Amazon or BN.

This book is published in print and digital editions. For a digital free and paid. For free you can find on the internet with the help of search engines. As for the paid digital edition can be purchased here click now.

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