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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Aquatic Fitness Professional Manual 6th Edition PDF Download

This Aquatic Fitness Professional Manual 6th Edition eBook is a guide for those who love the world of fitness with water sports. In writing by the Aquatic Exercise Association, present for readers in digital and paperback editions.

Aquatic Fitness Professional Manual-6th Edition

In the sixth edition of the paper by the Aquatic Exercise Association, this book contains a number of pages 408 and published by Human Kinetics. In fact this book has been around since the year 2010 and until now much like the book. This is evidenced by the comments that are provided by the reader.

If you buy this book now, then this book is priced around $35.41, and will usually be cheaper if you buy in the digital edition, pdf or eBook for download.

Written by a team of experts, this book as a source for the most complete fitness professionals, according to team coach and therapist, as well as private facilities and programs for managers about water sports. This guide not only go to the seniors, but also to little kids and all ages. That makes these books interesting to read is the material in the book is updated with the best research and experience. So this book will help to reach a healthy fitness.

This book is also in use for test preparation, reference materials for learning in the school gym. A lot of important things in this book that needs to be learned. Techniques learned in shallow water and in complete safety, discussed a workout, and the key questions and answers in this book.

Table Of Contents


Chapter 1 Physical Fitness
Chapter 2 Exercise Anatomy
Chapter 3 Movement Analysis
Chapter 4 Exercise Physiology
Chapter 5 The Aquatic Environment
Chapter 6 The Physical Laws as Applied to the Aquatic Environment
Chapter 7 Aquatic Fitness Equipment
Chapter 8 Aquatic Exercise Programming and Leadership
Chapter 9 Shallow-Water Exercise
Chapter 10 Deep-Water Exercise
Chapter 11 Special Populations
Chapter 12 Emergencies, Injuries, and Instructor Wellness
Chapter 13 Basic Nutrition and Weight Management
Chapter 14 Health Risk Appraisal and Physical Screening
Chapter 15 Exercise Behavior
Chapter 16 Business Issues and Legal Considerations

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