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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

International Sport Management EBook PDF Download

 International Sport Management
This International Sport Management book is a reference to the people who need the science of sports management international in scope. According to HK'S book was published the year 2012, while Amazon's site says the book was published in 2011.

The Editor of this book is Li Ming (Editor), Eric MacIntosh (Editor), Gonzalo Bravo (Editor) as teams that matter in the world of education and sports. This book became a reference for high school and College.

Sold at a price ranging from $74.98, this book has a total of 528 page content. Not just in the English language version, this book has also been printed in other languages.

In fact this book is devoted to the Organization, governance, business activities that are engaged in the international world. For expansion into the global world is indeed in need of a complete book to discuss it. Understanding the international world such as: international relations, political influence, to the world of international sports management should continue to be developed, and one of them by reading this book.

By using a systematic way in presenting the topic, and it also comes with issues of international sports, book published by HK it provide information that is missing or forgotten to be learned by students. Many of the contributors who have helped to make this book has more value in the eyes of the reader.

International issues are always dynamic, so even in the sports world. In each chapter of this book discusses with some point of view. And the interesting part of this International Sport Management book is the introduction written by famous sports management graduate, Dr. Earle Zeigler

In addition to studying this book, you should also learn about the geopolitical, cultural, language and the others who are still in touch with international sports.

Table of Content


Part I. Issues in International Sport Management

Chapter 1. Key Concepts and Critical Issues
Key Concepts
Sport Management Issues in the Global Sport Environment
International Competencies for Sport Managers

Chapter 2. Strategic Management in International Sport
Reasons to Enter the Global Marketplace
Global Expansion and Comparative Advantage
Strategic Management Process
Global Strategies in the Sport Industry
Trend Analysis in the Sport Industry
Social Responsibility Guidelines
Future Trends in International Sport Industry

Chapter 3. Intercultural Management in Sport Organizations
Why Intercultural Management Matters
National Culture
Organizational Culture
Culture Shock and the Role of Human Resources
Employee Socialization

Part II. Field of Play in International Sport

Chapter 4. Sport in North America
Economic Impact of U.S. Sport
Structure and Governance of Sport in the United States
Professional Sport in the United States
Amateur Sport in the United States
Structure of Sport in Canada
Professional and Elite Sport in Canada
Amateur Sport in Canada

Chapter 5. Sport in Latin America
Geography and Background of Latin America
Cultural Foundations of Sport in Latin America
Structure of Latin American Sport Systems
The Sport Industry in Latin America
International Sporting Events and Regional Governing Bodies

Chapter 6. Sport in Europe
Geography and Background of Europe
The European Sport Model
Economics of Sport in Europe
European Sport Law
European Sport in the Global Marketplace
Sport in Eastern Europe

Chapter 7. Sport in Africa and the Middle East
Geography and Background of Africa and the Middle East
The Colonial Experience and Sport in Africa
Current Role of Sport in Africa and the Middle East
Sport Organizations in Africa and the Middle East

Chapter 8. Sport in South Asia, Southeast Asia and Oceania
Geography and Background of South Asia, Southeast Asia and Oceania
Role of Sport in South Asia, Southeast Asia and Oceania
Sport Development and Governance in South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Oceania
Managing Sport in South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Oceania
Staging Sport Megaevents in South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Oceania

Chapter 9. Sport in Northeast Asia
Geography and Background of Northeast Asia
Sport in Northeast Asia
Sport Governance in Northeast Asia
Professional Sport in Northeast Asia
Major Sport Events in Northeast Asia

Part III. Governance in International Sport

Chapter 10. Olympic and Paralympic Sport
Olympic and Paralympic Organization Structure and Governance
History and Commercial Development of the Olympic and Paralympic Games
Corruption and Reform
Staging the Olympic and Paralympic Games
Social and Ethical Issues in Olympic and Paralympic Sport
Fair Play on and off the Playing Field

Chapter 11. International Sport Federations
What Are International Federations?
International Federations and National Federations
Management of International Federations

Chapter 12. Professional Sport Leagues and Tours
Structure and Governance of International Professional Sport Leagues
Economic Nature of Professional Sport Leagues
Revenue Sources for Professional Sport Leagues
Competition Among Leagues

Chapter 13. International Youth, School, and Collegiate Sport
Defining Youth, School, and Club Sport
Governance and Organization of International Youth Sport Events
Governance and Organization of School Sport
Governance of Club Sport

Part IV. Management Essentials in International Sport

Chapter 14. Macroeconomics of International Sport
Role of Sport in a National Economy
Macroeconomic Effects of Sport
Tangible and Intangible Effects
Primary Impact of a Sport Event
Multiplier Effect
Long- and Short-Term Benefits From Sport and the Legacy Effect

Chapter 15. Business and Finance of International Sport Leagues
North American League Model
European League Model
East Asian League Models
Consequences of League Design and Team Ownership

Chapter 16. Corporate Social Responsibility, Sport, and Development
Defining Corporate Social Responsibility
Emergence of Corporate Social Responsibility in Sport
Approaches to Understanding Corporate Social Responsibility in Sport
Corporate Social Responsibility in Sport and Economic Development
The United Nations Global Compact

Chapter 17. International Sport Law
What Is International Sport Law?
Conflict Resolution in International Sport
Athlete Representation and Athlete Rights
Promoting Sport for All
Integrity of International Sport

Chapter 18. Managing Service Quality in International Sport
What Is a Service?
Service Quality in International Sport
Service Failure and Recovery in International Sport

Part V. International Sport Business Strategies

Chapter 19. International Sport Marketing
Marketing Principles and Terms
The International Sport Consumer
Marketing and Sponsorship in a Global Economy
International Brand Management

Chapter 20. New Media and International Sport
What Is New Media?
New Media Technologies
New Media and Sport Content
New Media Challenges
New Media Dimensions

Chapter 21. Sport Facilities Management
Types of Facilities
Facility Personnel
Management Structure Options
Issues in Facility Management
Risk Management

Chapter 22. International Sport Tourism
Core Principles and Terms
Economic Impact of Sport Tourism
Social Costs and Benefits of Sport Tourism
Legacy Effects of Sport Tourism
Sport Tourism Planning and Evaluation

About the Contributors
About the Editors

Where to buy or download this International Sport Management book

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