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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Human Resource Management In Sport And Recreation 2nd Edition PDF Download

Human Resource Management in Sport and Recreation - 2nd Edition
This Human Resource Management In Sport And Recreation 2nd Edition eBook can help people who work in human resources management. Many sports and leisure can provide benefits for human resource development in the book. Written by Packianathan Chelladurai and Human Kinetics as an institution in trust for publishing.

Since 2006 this book is readily available. The latest price is $51.74 according to information from Amazon for hardcover editions. The number of pages the content of the book is 368.

Students will be guided to understand about human resources management in sport and recreation coverage. Second Edition presents a complete reading materials and easy to understand. Based on solid research results and experience writers who are already tested for 30 years. The dynamics of human resources and management needs to be understood correctly. The guide book is not just up there alone, the author brings the focus group called: pay professionals, people who are volunteering, and the man who became his own client.

A lot of important things that are in this book. Besides being easier to understand book, this book is also complete with references, and study examples of good, all of that author's seriousness as to give the best. Manejemen mix of human resource and the sports industry is so perfect in the material in this Human Resource Management In Sport And Recreation 2nd Edition book.

Management aims to manage a thing be good and effective. And there have been many similar books in circulation, but this book had its advantages and its own uniqueness. You could tell the difference if you've read this book. If you still doubt the quality of this book, here I am writing this with a complete table of contents information. Hopefully this can help you decide to buy.

Table Of Contents

Part I: Human Resources in Sport and Recreation
Chapter 1. Volunteers and Volunteerism
-The Need for Volunteerism
-Voluntary Organizations
-People Who Volunteer
-Why People Volunteer
-Altruism and Volunteerism
Chapter 2. Professionals and Professionalism
-Characteristics of a Profession
-Process of Professionalization
-Semiprofessions, Mimic Professions, and Deprofessionalization
-Professional Status of Sport Management and Sport and Recreation Services
-Professionalism and Volunteerism
Chapter 3. Clients As Human Resources
-Customer As Input, Throughput, and Output
-Customer Participation in Sport and Recreation Services
-Client Motives for Participation
-Client Motivation and Sport Management
Part II: Individual Differences in Human Resources
Chapter 4. Abilities
-Issues Over Ability
-Cognitive Abilities
-Emotional Intelligence
-Psychomotor Abilities
Chapter 5. Personality
-Determinants of Personality
-Type Theories
-Trait Theories
-Personality and Organizational Behavior
Chapter 6. Values
-Values, Beliefs, Attitudes, and Norms
-Sources of Values
-Terminal and Instrumental Values
-Hierarchy of Values
-Value Types
-Functions of Values
-Values in Organizations
-American Values and Sport
Chapter 7. Motivation
-A Model of Motivation
-Motivation As Personal Investment
Part III: Human Resource Practices
Chapter 8. Organizational Justice
-Distributive Justice
-Procedural Justice
-Interactional Justice
Chapter 9. Job Design
-Job Enrichment
-Task Attributes
-Motivational Properties of Tasks
-Implementing Task Attributes
-Task Attributes and Individual Differences
-Other Approaches to Job Design
-Task Dependence, Coordination, and Variability
Chapter 10. Staffing and Career Considerations
-Purposes of Staffing
-Focuses of Staffing
-Matching People and Jobs
-Psychological Contract
-Career Considerations
Chapter 11. Leadership
-Leader Behavior
-Multidimensional Model of Leadership
-Transformational and Transactional Leadership
-Leadership and Decision Making
-Decision Styles
-Problem Attributes
Chapter 12. Performance Appraisal
-Purposes of Performance Appraisal
-What Should Be Evaluated
-When to Conduct Performance Appraisal
-Who Should Do the Appraisal
-Errors in Rating
Chapter 13. Reward Systems
-Purposes of Reward Systems
-Types of Rewards
-Bases of Rewards
-Reward Systems and Member Preferences
Chapter 14. Internal Marketing
-Production and Marketing of Products
-Triangle of Marketing
-Definition of Internal Marketing
-Process Versus People Orientation in Internal Marketing
-Marketing Principles in Internal Operations
-Internal Marketing As a Tool for Change
-Internal Marketing and Human Resource Management
-Marketing Department Versus Marketing Functions
-Issues in Internal Marketing
Part IV: Attitudinal Outcomes
Chapter 15. Satisfaction
-Theories of Job Satisfaction
-Satisfaction With Volunteer Work
-Participant Satisfaction
-Measurement of Satisfaction
Chapter 16. Commitment
-Multidimensionality of Organizational Commitment
-Occupational Commitment
-Development and Effects of Organizational Commitment
-Correlates of Organizational Commitment

Where to buy or download this Human Resource Management In Sport And Recreation 2nd Edition PDF, book or eBook

Amazon, ebay, and BN are the stores that sell the book. There is a print and digital edition for the option buyer. Each have advantages and disadvantages. Prices also differ between stores, despite the difference in price range but not much different.